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In Memory

David Corwin - : 1968

David Corwin

Dr. David Corwin, a veterinarian in Maine for 40 years, passed away on August 13, 2023. At Oberlin, Dave was a biology major who starred in both football and track and field. He is survived by his wife Carol Brewer Corwin, also from the class of 1968.

Over on the Class of 1968 "In Memory" page, Tom Ilgen has written a long remniscence about Dave, "one of the good guys."


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11/06/23 08:34 PM #1    

Greg Pyke (1968)

What an amazing and admirable life he lived. 

11/07/23 06:04 PM #2    

Daniel Miller (1968)

What I remember best about Dave is when he was visiting Cornell University while applying at the veterinary school.  He didn't make it because the chairman of the admissions committee, a real jerk, considered him a "Johnny come lately.  I'm glad that Dave did well in veterinary medicine despite that jerk.

11/09/23 06:44 AM #3    

Tom Thomas (1969)

On the Class of 1968 Message Forum page, Paul Lawn left this comment:

Thank you, Thomas Ilgen for your memorial to David Corwin. As a sportswriter and sports editor of the Review, I always admired Dave's skills and exploits on the gridiron, despite his having always to play on undermanned teams. We re-connected when I brought my beloved Kaidog (a 69-kinds of dog who adopted me through a friend and was the smartest farm dog anyone could ever wish for) for his veterinary check-ups. David was the kindlest, gentlest, most empathic vet imaginable and was always up on progressive developments in his field that made things easier for Kai, particularly as Kaidog got older and battled hip dysplasia and lyme disease. Mortality comes way too soon for dogs, and too soon for the people who care for them. Thank you, Dave, for living a good life.

11/09/23 07:39 PM #4    

Robert “Bob” Baker (1968)


I remember Dave as a co-resident of 2C Burton our freshman year. I was amazed that he could play football as a Type I diabetic.. In 1964, he expected to have a short lifespan; but he kept on -- playing football and as a student.  Of course, I still feel like he passed away early; but he seems to have had a very full life. I looked for him at official reunions; but I guess he preferred reunions with close friends. I always considered Dave a friend, even though I saw little of him after freshman year.

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