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Forum: My Reunion Plans


Will It Be Worth Coming?

Created on: 03/12/23 07:35 PM Views: 1278 Replies: 17
Will It Be Worth Coming?
Posted Sunday, March 12, 2023 07:35 PM

On her Classmate Profile under School Story, Liz Ryan Cole '68 wrote on March 12:  "I'd love to hear a discussion about who is actually thinking about coming to reunion. Now that I know we'll be in hotels 30 or more minutes away (which means no place for downtime once we come to campus and no place to gather of an evening), I am much less interested in attending. So I changed my comment in reunion to Not sure yet from Yes probably and will be writing to friends - but really, a room in Wilder? thoughts?"

RE: Will It Be Worth Coming?
Posted Tuesday, March 14, 2023 12:58 PM

I wanted to attend reunion in May and enjoyed my 50th in May of '63 but feel disinclined to go to the planned fall event. 

RE: Will It Be Worth Coming?
Posted Saturday, April 1, 2023 07:43 PM

I am also leaning against attending, although I might change my mind last minute.  Aside from the distasteful thought of staying at the Cleveland airport, I'm concerned about accessibility issues which are a concern  for increasing numbers of us these days.  At our last two reunions the alumni office kindly supplied me with a motorized scooter to assist with my (only moderate )mobility issues, and I don't see how that would be possible with us commuting by bus to our hotels.  Not having an on campus base aside from maybe a lounge in Wilder hall  certainly will make things harder for many of us.  The structure of this  event seems in general very disrespectful and poorly thought out, as well as having been shortened by a whole day from its previous Friday- Monday schedule. 


RE: Will It Be Worth Coming?
Posted Monday, April 3, 2023 06:58 AM

Here are additional comments posted March 12 and 13 on Liz’s “School Story” by Class of 1968 members. 

Richard Zitrin:  Very good points, Liz. Not feeling that we're being treated as well as we'd like. Let's see what others say. - Rich

Gregory PykeI had the Spring reunion in my calendar but was very disappointed by the change to fall for reasons you state well. Might go if the new Oberlin Values alum group (old values, new group) plans something. Will change my reunion flag to unsure. May try to get together with a couple ‘68 friends instead if possible. Thanks, Liz.

Robert “Bob” Baker30 minutes away sounds bad. Plus, it got placed on the ending weekend of a previously scheduled beach week with our son’s family. We could leave a couple of days early; but it would be a lot of driving.

On March 25, Liz added, “we have heard from a couple more who are concerned/unhappy etc.”

RE: Will It Be Worth Coming?
Posted Monday, April 3, 2023 11:50 AM

I too am disappointed we are shifted from grad weekend. I wonder how it was decided which clusters would get that weekend. Penny Zoldbrod and I will attend; we have reserved a room at the faraway hotel. I figure I probably have few reunions left (or maybe none) and I always enjoy them. They sure made it difficult for us old folks. I wonder who all the rooms at the aka Oberlin Inn are reserved for. It was my understanding that after our 50th, we could stay there. I have looked forward to that time for decades. Perhaps I'm deluding myself and simply made it up. Oh well, I hope to see many of you at our reunion.

RE: Will It Be Worth Coming?
Posted Monday, April 3, 2023 12:32 PM

Herb and everyone: the new arrangement is that only the 25th and 50th reunions are at Commencement and the clusters are in the fall. This will be only the second year of that happening. The college says it worked out well last fall. I am on the Alumni Leadership Council and will be glad to bring concerns to the attention of the college. Ted

RE: Will It Be Worth Coming?
Posted Monday, April 3, 2023 02:16 PM

Although disappointed in the loss of our Memorial Day slot, I do plan to attend the fall reunion.  I believe my bestie, Peter Griswold, will attend as well.

RE: No longer can attend
Posted Monday, April 3, 2023 04:53 PM

We had planned to attend.  However, now that the reunion has been switched to the fall we can no longer do so.  We earlier booked a trip down the Danube, from Vienna to Canstata on the Black Sea, which begins October 1.  Francie and I will miss many of you.  Nathan and Frances Fawcett 

Best Regards, Nathan and Frances

RE: Will It Be Worth Coming?
Posted Tuesday, April 4, 2023 06:15 AM

I note, in case in the future Oberlin is open to changing this new fall at the airport plan, that Dartmouth devotes two back-to-back weekends around graduation before summer session to reunions , and they get everyone in and (Oberlin listen) raise a lot of money too from happy attendees. 

RE: Will It Be Worth Coming?
Posted Tuesday, April 4, 2023 02:44 PM

who is working on planning for this reunion?  I see volunteers may have been solicited, but how can we reach out to you?  and who at Oberln is makiing the hotel arrangements?  I'd love to better undertand their thinking and, as there is a lot of time before September, see what housing alternatives might be discussed. thanks 


RE: Will It Be Worth Coming?
Posted Thursday, April 6, 2023 04:24 PM

Dartmouth had a better idea. It's too bad Oberlin didn't follow suit. I'm leaning toward attending though the arrangements are very awkward. 


Liz Ryan Cole wrote:

I note, in case in the future Oberlin is open to changing this new fall at the airport plan, that Dartmouth devotes two back-to-back weekends around graduation before summer session to reunions , and they get everyone in and (Oberlin listen) raise a lot of money too from happy attendees. 


RE: Will It Be Worth Coming?
Posted Sunday, June 4, 2023 04:12 PM

I plan to come, but I can't find anywhere that the hotels we are supposed to stay at are listed.  What hotels are sponsoring us and what is their contact information?

Will It Be Worth Coming?
Posted Sunday, June 4, 2023 04:29 PM

Daniel and everyone else:

Please see this Oberlin site regarding hotels for this fall's reunion:




RE: Will It Be Worth Coming?
Posted Monday, July 10, 2023 03:51 PM

Our Cluster Reunion — Friday night Musical Event — Soliciting Performers

I am in charge of organizing our cluster’s musical event on Friday evening, September 29 at around 9 PM, depending on when an earlier show at the conservatory lets out (I was the only volunteer).  Our event will feature musical performances by any of us who would like to play, sing or dance for our group.  The purpose of this email is to tell you about the event and encourage you to think about participating.

If you would like to perform, please let me know what you would like to do and about how long it will last.  Based on your responses, I’ll put together a program.  An example:  Having taken up singing for the first time at the age of 76, I personally would like to sing either one, two or three songs of about 4 minutes each, the number of songs depending on how many other performers step up and how long each will be “on stage.”

I’ll send a second solicitation in mid-September when you’ve had more time to think about it.  Please let me know now or later what you would like to do.    

Our group will doubtless include professional musicians, and it will be a special treat to hear from them.  But rank amateurs are equally welcome and encouraged to give us a show.  The only point is to have fun.  I’m confident that each performer will be enthusiastically welcomed and applauded, whatever their skill level at our advanced age may prove to be.

RE: Will It Be Worth Coming?
Posted Friday, August 4, 2023 04:27 PM

Molly and I will defintely attend and look forward to formal discussions and, especially, informal chats with clustermates.

RE: Will It Be Worth Coming?
Posted Friday, August 25, 2023 07:31 AM

seeiing Ralph's invitiaton to an event beginning at 9 pm I wondering what we know about the frequence and timing of the buses to airport hotels.  thanks 


RE: Will It Be Worth Coming?
Posted Saturday, August 26, 2023 06:37 AM

According to this schedule, after Ralph's event a shuttle will be leaving the campus at 11:30 Friday night.

Also, Liz, you were wondering about whether there will be a meeting room at the hotel.  The August 25 email from the college informs us that "Attendees staying at the Radisson will have access to an 'after hours' space where alumni can converse and decompress each night following reunion activities."

RE: Will It Be Worth Coming?
Posted Sunday, September 17, 2023 10:49 PM

After many tears and much tribulation, I've decided I won't be coming to the reunion.  I have active rheumatoid arthritis.  I do quite well most days but need a lie down (ideally, a nap) in the late afternoon.  I would lose at least two hours every day going back to the hotel, IF there were a shuttle to get me back to Oberlin (which there usually isn't).  Some time ago I called one of the Alumni Office reps for our cluster to ask if there would be couches in the cluster headquarters' room, but have yet to have the courtesy of a reply.  When I described the arrangements to a friend, she said it sounds like a party for young people.  I almost reconsidered when I recently saw the picture of the headquarters in the Oberlin hotel with LONG benches on the side.  They don't look very comfortable though.  In memory of those of us with physical challenges that are keeping us away, may I ask that those attending stage a lie-in, head-to-toe on those benches.  Be sure there's a photographer present who will post a picture on this website and in any 55th Reunion memory book.
